Place your curbside pickup

  1. Complete the order form below.
  2. We will call you to confirm your order. Payments will be taken at this time by credit card. Please note that we are usually able to fulfill orders the same day but your requested date may not be available.
  3. We will notifiy you when your order will be ready.
  4. Call us from your vehicle upon arrival 204-856-0264 and we will bring your products and your receipt out to you.

* denotes a required field
You must enter a valid email address.
You must enter a valid phone number.
You must enter a valid date to pickup your order.
Billing Information
You must enter your full name.
You must enter a valid address.
You must enter your city.
You must enter your postal code.
Order Details

If we are out of stock on a requested product, would you like for us to choose a substitute that matches your selection as closely as possible?

Please enter your order with as much detail as possible.